Thursday, August 21, 2008

High Maintenance?

Me? I'm going to own up to this. I, me and moi are very high maintenace! Ok, I admit it. I do manicures, pedicures, nice smelly things that make my skin soft and fragrant, name brand clothes, shoes, purses, you name it other than I'm not into the makeup thing. I hate putting it on my face, because I always feel like I'm dirty. Not slutty dirty just that it isn't sanitary... I love bubble baths, candles, lingerie, soft sheets, and lots of pillows. When I was younger I used to spend hours on my hair. As I've grown wiser with age. I'be come to the realization that my hair is hopeless and more stubborn than me!!! There is nothing I can do to it. It's just straight... No matter what I do it is going to end up straight. I can fight it but my hair and I know that my hair is the winner. So I wash it and brush it and we live in peaceful co-existance. I will always want to be the center of attention. Being an only child has given me the unrealistic view that the world centers around me. ME! ME! ME! Why can't everyone just accept that? OOPS did I just admit that out loud? I need to learn to keep my inside thoughts more inside! The problem with my relationships with men is basically me. I am attracted to intelligent, ambitious, (let's just admit it out loud) wealthy men. So they are usually driven to succeed and work-aholics that can't give me the attention that I want and need. There is the cruel fate that I was born with...

1 comment:

K.Pete said...

It's a rough life to be pampered. ;)