Thursday, August 21, 2008

High Maintenance?

Me? I'm going to own up to this. I, me and moi are very high maintenace! Ok, I admit it. I do manicures, pedicures, nice smelly things that make my skin soft and fragrant, name brand clothes, shoes, purses, you name it other than I'm not into the makeup thing. I hate putting it on my face, because I always feel like I'm dirty. Not slutty dirty just that it isn't sanitary... I love bubble baths, candles, lingerie, soft sheets, and lots of pillows. When I was younger I used to spend hours on my hair. As I've grown wiser with age. I'be come to the realization that my hair is hopeless and more stubborn than me!!! There is nothing I can do to it. It's just straight... No matter what I do it is going to end up straight. I can fight it but my hair and I know that my hair is the winner. So I wash it and brush it and we live in peaceful co-existance. I will always want to be the center of attention. Being an only child has given me the unrealistic view that the world centers around me. ME! ME! ME! Why can't everyone just accept that? OOPS did I just admit that out loud? I need to learn to keep my inside thoughts more inside! The problem with my relationships with men is basically me. I am attracted to intelligent, ambitious, (let's just admit it out loud) wealthy men. So they are usually driven to succeed and work-aholics that can't give me the attention that I want and need. There is the cruel fate that I was born with...

Tuesday, August 19, 2008


Ok Kerilynn I did it. Here are my cards that screams Matina!


I've decided that I'm just hiding from life. Don't want to put myself out there anymore. It takes too much to get up every morning lately, which isn't like me at all... I'm like the group cheerleader. Always smiling, happy, laughing out loud... Maybe I've been burned too much and I'm kind of in the holding pattern licking my wounds. I can't even get the energy to be social. I love people and especially men... Flirting is second nature to me and so I do it without thinking. Lately I'm not even doing that well. Not that I'm not flirting just not as much...

Monday, August 18, 2008

Laziness & The Funk

I have nothing to look forward to. Not that I wouldn't find something if I actually looked. Just can't find the ambition to look. Love watching the Olympics and it amazes me the dedication they have to their sport. They seem so young and it makes me feel old! Even Micheal Phelps seem to be a baby. Gorgeous and a hunk, but still a baby...

Tuesday, August 12, 2008

Low Attention Span...

I lost interest in the guy. He went out of town for 10 days for work and as much as I understand... I'm high maintenance!!! I like attention and if I don't get it I am not a happy girl. He sent me a text on Sunday to tell me he was going out of town for 10 days and have a good week. Well I'm sure that would work for a normal girl, but not for me. I need more than that and so before I "invest" too much. I sent him a cheesy email and there you go...

My friend did give me something to look forward to. She is marrying her military guy and moving to Hawaii. Her Grandma is moving to England and they were wondering if I would like to live in their house for only $500.00 a month. First question is that do they know I have a dog and the answer is yes! I'm NOT STUPID and I said YES, YES, AND YES!

Monday, August 11, 2008

Washington Country Fair

Our Fair is a bit lame, but than what can I do... I did get to do a music video with my friend LJ:

It makes me smile. I like goofy things like that. Little things can entertain me.

Friday, August 8, 2008


I've been a bit on the depressed side this week and in a terrible funk. Which I couldn't seem to shake. A friend called me out of the blue yesterday and after talking found out that she was going to the fair to enter a singing contest. She asked me to go and although my first inclination was to decline I decided to go with instead. I might be biased, but she rocked and made it to the finals for tonight. It was fun to cheer her on and we went through the booths at the fair. She cracks me up by entering every contest and giving them her information. I'm one of those people who refused to give my info, because I hate getting the sales calls. You know that is the only reason they do those "giveaways", but she entered them ALL. Funny girl... Afterwards we went to the Elks and met up with some more friends. As much as I don't miss working at Legacy. I do miss the social aspect of that place and I miss the people I developed a friendship with. The job was mindnumbingly dull, but the people always made me laugh or smile. We also planned a bachorette party for a mutual friend. Who is getting married and even though the story is bazarre I so wish her well in it. Fingers crossed!

Monday, August 4, 2008

Tit for Tat

I think it is funny (strange) how life is on the whole. When you ditch one person you are likely going to be ditched by someone else. So of course you know that I ditched my Thursday night date and in the karmic plane of life I got ditched on Friday night. He didn't call to confirm and so I was so ok with that. He did contact me over the weekend to reschedule. Which makes me laugh, because I so didn't care one way or another. In my younger years I would have obsessed and drove him and me crazy. Like I did once. I kept calling and calling and leaving messages. Like he didn't get that he blew me off. I still cringe inside when I think of it. I did go on my date on Saturday night. Which was almost rescheduled, because he was stuck at the San Francisco airport. Good thing I had made the dinner reservations for 8 pm pacific time. I really was willing to cancel and try again, but he really wanted to meet me. So we had a nice dinner and talks. He might be worth a second date! Which is huge for me! I usually loose interest after the first hour. There is a big uh oh though. He doesn't seem interested in having a child and that might be something to think about. I can live with the fact he travels a lot for work. Which is fine with me, because he is attentive and I can tell he will want to spoil me. We all know that spoiling is essential for me to be happy. Not overly, but a little helps. He does seem the jealous type though. Which means I have to reel in my natural tendency to flirt. TTFN.

Friday, August 1, 2008

I'm avoiding...

I was suppose to go on a date last night, but I didn't. Instead I went swimming with a 3 year old boy. I seem to like hanging out with children than adults most of the time. They have such a great perspective on life and it seems so simple. Guys are such a pain. Either they are too much or not enough. They either annoy me or hurt me. So what is a girl going to do? Especially when we don't know what we want. We ditch our dates...