Thursday, December 4, 2008

So Adorable and Smart.

Little ladies' man pens dating primer Nine-year-old Alec Greven is not your average kid. He wrote "How to Talk to Girls" to advise boys of all ages how to get the right girl. He spoke to about his inspirations, staying away from "pretty girls" and what the future holds for this love guru.

All men should read this book, because he simplified the truth. LOL.

Tuesday, December 2, 2008

Life isn't fair...

Seems to be my motto lately, but I do realize that with all that it still sucks. My dog Satin has been very irritating and I've been having difficulty in trying to stay loving. I found out yesterday that she has diabetes and I have to give her a insulin shot twice a day. I'm a horrible person, because I thought she was just being bad. Last night she was much better and she forgave me for my bad attitude. Aren't pets funny. They love you no matter what...

Tuesday, November 25, 2008

Happy Thanksgiving!

I love someecards!

Sleep is wonderful...

I have to admit that sleeping is valuable equity in my happiness quota. Satin has been a very sick doggy since Thursday and I thought it was because she had a UTI. I bought some cranberry pills and it cracked me up that I didn't have to scam her to eat it. She is such a glutten that she eats them like treats. Every 1 to 2 hours she had to go outside to go potty and it was seriously making me go batty! I need at least 8 hours or I can't function properly. Yay! Last night she slept the night through like normal. I'm a very happy girl!

Monday, November 17, 2008

7 Random things about me...

I got tagged from a very good friend. So Daisy this is for you. What we will do in the name of friendship.

1) I'm Korean decent and was born in Korea. Adopted at 4 and have lived in Utah ever since. So although I look Asian I feel Causcasian which is pretty messed up. LOL. I have a recurring dream since I was little about being in a tree and watching my "biological father" being shot by soldiers.

2) I'm addicted to and in love with Grey's Anatomy and Brothers and Sisters like I was to Friends. TV isn't my thing, but I won't miss those two shows.

3) On the whole I am a friendly and sweet person, but I get annoyed easily. Which means that I have no patience for stupid and clueless people even though I'm clueless a lot. It is just a double standard on my part. Plus I think I'm adorable when I'm clueless.

4) I'm a nerd. I am facinated by stupid facts that most people would care less about. I alway feel the need to investigate and over think things to the point that it makes me batty.

5) I love to travel and if I was independently wealthy I would explore the world.

6) I'm a baker! I'm a pretty good cook, but I don't love to do it as much as I like baking things.

7) I love my Nintendo DS! It is great to have when you are in line and need something to do.

Thursday, November 13, 2008

What I miss the most about being in a relationship...

Morning sex! Sex is great on the whole, but I find morning sex wornderful and it is only possible when you are in a relationship. Anyone that knows me knows that I'm horrible about getting up in the mornings, but having sex in the mornings is a great way to wake up and get your blood pumping. Who ever my next boyfriend ends up being will be a very lucky guy indeed. I don't think I will let him away from my bed for a week... It has been a while and I guess it could be my fault. I'm not really good at the one night stand thing. Can't have sex with just anybody not that I haven't had sex on the first date, because I have and it was great. Just doesn't seem to work out when it happens that way. It seems to escrew things so that it is hard to form a lasting relationship, because the main focus is on sex. Which is a very important part, but there has to be other things to make a relationship work. I've had sex with friends with the idea of friends with benefits. It always ruins a good friendship, because it takes things to another level that wasn't possible before the sex. It goes down hill from there. So what is a girl suppose to do...

Friday, November 7, 2008

Things that make me laugh!

I have a weird sense of humor that most wouldn't find as funny, but sends me ROTFLOL! First my boss told me at the beginning of my employment that he knows someone that has Jazz tickets and when he gets them they will be mine. At first I thought they were box seats which is cool, but it still is too far away from the floor. NO, these tickets are right behind the Jazz players! I'm in heaven and I can't wait to actually get them. Second I took my momma to Boulevard Furniture so that she could enter the drawings. It is almost like when I took her to a neighborhood fire that happen a month ago. St. George needs some serious entertainment. Everyone was there to both occasions! As we are standing in line a complete stranger starts talking to me and my momma was rolling her eyes at me. I can't help it. I must have a friendly face, because everywhere I go I end up chatting with someone. I didn't get that trait from her, but my daddy is extremely friendly too. Then my BFF called me last night. I almost died from the laughter, because I couldn't breathe. She is so funny and clueless. I have to admit that I don't really like "girly games", but I am good at them and do it as effortlessly as breathing. She is attracting some guys lately and it starts out very innocently. She is shy, but very sweet and nice. They start talking to her and because she doesn't clue in that they are interested in her romantically (she doesn't ever think a guy would be interested in her) she is friendly back. Not flirty friendly, because she isn't really capable, just sweet and friendly. So eventually by the time that she clues into the fact they are interested she is mortified. I always ask her first if there is a possiblity of interest in her part and so far there isn't even a teeny bit. So I listen and give her advice to gently let them down, but in the meantime I have to just laugh at her reactions to the situations. I admit that I feel sorry for guys on this point. It takes a lot of courage and fortitude to approach us. I will try to gently get my point accross that I'm not interested, but after awhile they do get on my nerves. That is when the bitchy person comes out and they are sent to the curb. BFF doesn't have it in her to be anything, but tortured by the situations. She blames herself and she thinks she has led them on. Of course I had to laugh uncontrollably first than I told her to forget about it. We all lead men on. It is our role in life per say, but to feel guilty about it is like feeling guilty that you are breathing.

Tuesday, November 4, 2008

My Rant Fest!

One of my good friends have been telling me that I'm a man hater! So it got me thinking... The circumstances that brought it about is unusual. As a friend I will always try to be on your side and listen to your feelings. I don't like it when a man uses and abuses my friend. He is lazy, selfish, and a complete scum of the earth. I just can't do somersaults when he calls her during the day. It doesn't seem to warrant a pat on the back. One of her other friends told her that she took it as he is trying!!! By calling her without her calling him!!! When she has told him a million times that she wants him to call her and they have been together 3 years. I understand I'm exagerating the times she has asked him, because she doesn't like to "bug" him (she hates to nag). I guess I'm a nagger. Asshole used to call me 20 times a day when we were together. I realize that he loved me as much as he was capable of, but it still wasn't enough. Calling isn't a sign of love. He used to talk to me about everything and I was the first person he turned to in good and bad times. He still did it the beginning of this year and we haven't been together for 3 years. That doesn't change the fact that he wasn't enough. The fact that her weasel totally disregarded her well being by going off hunting instead of making a room livable for her. The fact he still couldn't do it this weekend, because he is depressed. I know depression. You might not want to do anything, but essential things still have to do be done. Maybe not the things that you usually want to do that is a "fun" activity. You don't just blow off work and go do pointless things, because of depression. He just uses it as a sheild and he is now using suicide to manipulate her. I've been suicidal recently. We think about it, but we don't actually share that with other people. When you are suicidal you are in a black void and you just do it if you are going to do it. I realize that I haven't had a lot of tolerance for men on the whole. I'm not willing to be a doormat and I'm not willing to "SETTLE" not anymore. I realize that I'm not perfect and I have lots of issues. I'm human. I do know that I'm a bright, loving, and attractive individual that have lots to give and deserves to receive more than crumbs. A phone call is nice, but it shouldn't make her overlook all of his faults. He is a waste of the oxygen he is breathing. He takes her money and sucks her dry of everything even her pride. One of these days he is going to suck her of everything and he won't be there. I will as her friend, but I just can't get excited when he calls her...

Monday, November 3, 2008

As old as you feel...

I feel OLD! This weekend I had a sexy bunny costume to wear and I didn't even put it on. It just seemed like too much of an effort. I just wanted to curl up to my pillows, read a good book, and go to bed. I need to get a life or maybe not. I kind of like not feeling anything. Instead of the rollercoster that is normally my life... I'm just numb and mellow.

Friday, October 31, 2008

Monday, October 27, 2008

My political view

I really don't think of myself as Republican or Democrat, but I do seem to lean toward the right. Usually I can see things from both sides and see the value of each. In the beginning I was deeply impressed by Barrack Obama and found him very charismatic. I was very curious about him and wanted to give him a fair shake. What I found or didn't find out about him like the fact he always preach change, but never really tells us what the change is doesn't make me a happy constiguent. He doesn't have experience and we don't really know what he is going to do. I am voting for McCain and the Palin ticket. I relate to Palin and as much as she fumbles so do I.

Wednesday, October 22, 2008

I was wrong!

Mr Fed actually did like me, but the problem is that other than the pause it gave me to realize that I misread the situation... I'm not really that interested. I don't know if I will ever be willing to take a chance in the romantic aspect of my life. I hope so because I'm 37 years old and I don't want to spend the rest of my life alone. I have even broken all ties with Asshole. He needs to move on with his life and if my little boy grows up and wants to get to know me again. I will be happy to do that. I think that I was put in that situation to give him the love I needed to give to him and he will have the good memories, but I wasn't suppose to be a part of his life forever. I'm actually ok with that and was able to move on.

Friday, October 17, 2008


I was a busy girl last night. I went on a date, talked to 3 men through the internet, and scared off the only "potential" heartache. I'm so scared of opening myself up to that much pain and agony. I really want to see where my feelings take me with "Mr. Las Vegas". I'm just not able to. He is sweet, responsible, hard working, funny, intelligent, great in bed, and much more... I wasn't able to follow through last year, because of my feelings for someone else at that time. Not that I understood at that moment. Now that I'm "free"... I am petrified! Sabotage! I know he is extremely jealous and not in a good way. Jealousy isn't a bad thing on the whole, but his isn't a healthy jealousy. I know that and so I used it to sabotage something between us so that I don't have to deal with my issues. I should be in a mental institution.

Enough of my pain... Let's go on to my funny life on the whole. My date was a nice man and I would probably go out with him again, but I don't think he will be calling me. I'm not being vain, because on the whole I don't really think I'm all that. I do usually get a certain reaction to me. I'm an attractive, cheerful, and intelligent person. Usually guys like me. He couldn't get away from me fast enough... I've never had that reaction before. He used my usual excuse of tiredness to end our date as fast as possible. I find that hilarious! I have such a warped sense of humor. He was so uncomfortable with me and awkward. I've never had that happen to me. My personalty usually comes across as sweet and comforting. I came home and asked my mom if there was something wrong with my appearance... I thought I looked adorable and my mom concurred which she usually doesn't. She doesn't like my fashion sense which is ok, because I don't like hers. Mr. Fed was the strong and silent type. It was painful to get him to say more than a couple of words. My BFF (I love her) says it is because he is too uptight for me and he was afraid to let his hair down and have a good time. LOL! She was surprised that I was attracted to him to actually go on a date with him. Than she insightfully pointed out that Asshole was also an uptight, rigid male. Maybe I'm attracted to someone that has control of their lives like I want to have. Possible... I had to point out that I wasn't attracted to Asshole in the beginning, because I honestly can say that I wasn't. I was drawn to my little boy. He was the reason I put myself through hell for a year with Asshole. Mr. Fed was a nice man, but I really can't say I'm overly attracted to him. No fireworks. Not that I've always felt fireworks immediately. That only happened with Man Ho, Hottie Surfer, Mr. Las Vegas, and Landlord. Fireworks aren't a good sign for me. The reason I went out with Mr. Fed was because he sent me a hilarious email introduction. Make me laugh and you get my interest. That was why I went out with Boss Flagger. He wasn't at all like the way he presented himself in that email. Oh well. I guess you can't impress everyone.

Thursday, October 16, 2008

Helen of Troy

On my birthday I was bored out of my mind, because I was down in bed with a damn cold. What else is there to do other than surfing the net? I found out that I have the same birth day with her and got me thinking... I really don't want to cripple/destroy an empire, but to be loved that much. I wish! It always seem to be me that loves more than my mate. I know I have a lot of love to give, but a big part of me is terrified to open my heart to love again. Last year it kind of snuck up on me. Complete surprise and it didn't end well. Which is a perfect example. Even though we loved each other more than I have loved or been loved before. We couldn't let ourselves be together, because it would have destroyed so many lives... So I guess it isn't possible for me to be her...

Monday, October 6, 2008

First impressions...

I went again to the Elks on Thursday night and I have to admit that I need to get out more often. There were lots of funny moments:

1) When Kara's pet spider was webbing from her back window and Megan freaked out. Not that I like spiders, because I DON'T. As a friend we have to suck it up and since Megan was petrified I took a plastic sack and smooshed it. Which was icky enough, but Megan had me almost freaked out myself with her screaming.

2) Megan and Kara telling a guy friend of Jacille's that they were lesbians... Than going off to dance and have Megan come back to the table totally scared, because a real lesbian started to dance with them. Kara actually dancing with the "real" lesbian.

So it made me think... Why did the guy get pretty much sent to the curb? Because he didn't present himself for a good first impression. I have to admit that I usually don't put much effort into my appearance. Especially at the moment, because my face is breaking out like it did when I was a teen. No wonder people think I'm a teeny bopper... I did put on makeup that night and for my "breakfast date" on Sunday, but as soon as I got home I removed it faster that snot. I realize that the "Elks" isn't really that great. I'm usually yawning and ready to go home around 10. Really wasn't any guys there that interested me and I've find that I really don't like the whole pickup scene period. There was one hot guy, but too young and I wasn't that interested. I was polite to Adam, because he was at our table and a friend of a friend. I hate being rude and I try to be courteous in all aspects of my life. After watching my two young friends dismiss him rudely... I started talking to him, because it dawned on me that I dismissed him also in a way. He turned out to be a reasonably attractive, funny, intelligent guy. Again too young for me, but even I wasn't really interested in him. He was wearing an ugly, blue, mickey mouse/disney t-shirt with god awful tacky shorts!!! I asked him why he wore that to the "club". He informed me that if a girl doesn't like mickey mouse/disney it would be a deal breaker for him. I had to kindly inform him that I love mickey mouse/disney, but that shirt on a guy was a huge deal breaker for me and obviously a deal breaker for my friends. I did think the girls were a bit unkind for being that in your face in their total uninterest in him, but if he hadn't been a friend of Jacille's I would have dismissed him also. I usually get hit on where ever I go, but I try to let them down politely at first. When they don't get the gentle hint is when I turn into the snot that I excel at being. It takes a lot of courage and fortitude to go up to a complete stranger... I usually feel sorry for them, but still not enough to actually spend effort on them. So a word to the wise. Don't wear Mickey Mouse/Disney shirts...

Thursday, October 2, 2008


I recently got a text from a guy that I dated a year ago. He saw a porn movie and he thought the porn star looked just like me... So of course he had to (wink... wink...) get in touch with me. I had to look her up of course... She is very beautiful, but I don't see a resemblance (Lucy Lee). She is Korean, but other than that I don't see it. Still don't know if I should be flattered or insulted...

Monday, September 29, 2008


I've decided we aren't on the whole nice to each other. We are so competitive and jealous that we can't seem to be able to coexist. Men are able to work with each other in a friendly and humorous team. I think that we should too.

Tuesday, September 9, 2008


August, September, October the birthdays come at me from all directions. Evidently people get bored during the winter and have nothing better to do than propagate.

Thursday, September 4, 2008

I'm a snot

I've decided that I'm a snot. My friend turned 21 and I tried to arrange for a fun time in Vegas, but life turned stressful the last week or so. I just couldn't follow through, because it became the least of my priorities. When I told her at least 20 times that I'm kind of overwhelmed at the moment and her still bugging me... I've decided I don't care. It isn't my responsibility and she makes me mad. Good thing my other friend took over the preparations. I probably won't go, because I don't want to now. I'm a snot!

Thursday, August 21, 2008

High Maintenance?

Me? I'm going to own up to this. I, me and moi are very high maintenace! Ok, I admit it. I do manicures, pedicures, nice smelly things that make my skin soft and fragrant, name brand clothes, shoes, purses, you name it other than I'm not into the makeup thing. I hate putting it on my face, because I always feel like I'm dirty. Not slutty dirty just that it isn't sanitary... I love bubble baths, candles, lingerie, soft sheets, and lots of pillows. When I was younger I used to spend hours on my hair. As I've grown wiser with age. I'be come to the realization that my hair is hopeless and more stubborn than me!!! There is nothing I can do to it. It's just straight... No matter what I do it is going to end up straight. I can fight it but my hair and I know that my hair is the winner. So I wash it and brush it and we live in peaceful co-existance. I will always want to be the center of attention. Being an only child has given me the unrealistic view that the world centers around me. ME! ME! ME! Why can't everyone just accept that? OOPS did I just admit that out loud? I need to learn to keep my inside thoughts more inside! The problem with my relationships with men is basically me. I am attracted to intelligent, ambitious, (let's just admit it out loud) wealthy men. So they are usually driven to succeed and work-aholics that can't give me the attention that I want and need. There is the cruel fate that I was born with...

Tuesday, August 19, 2008


Ok Kerilynn I did it. Here are my cards that screams Matina!


I've decided that I'm just hiding from life. Don't want to put myself out there anymore. It takes too much to get up every morning lately, which isn't like me at all... I'm like the group cheerleader. Always smiling, happy, laughing out loud... Maybe I've been burned too much and I'm kind of in the holding pattern licking my wounds. I can't even get the energy to be social. I love people and especially men... Flirting is second nature to me and so I do it without thinking. Lately I'm not even doing that well. Not that I'm not flirting just not as much...

Monday, August 18, 2008

Laziness & The Funk

I have nothing to look forward to. Not that I wouldn't find something if I actually looked. Just can't find the ambition to look. Love watching the Olympics and it amazes me the dedication they have to their sport. They seem so young and it makes me feel old! Even Micheal Phelps seem to be a baby. Gorgeous and a hunk, but still a baby...

Tuesday, August 12, 2008

Low Attention Span...

I lost interest in the guy. He went out of town for 10 days for work and as much as I understand... I'm high maintenance!!! I like attention and if I don't get it I am not a happy girl. He sent me a text on Sunday to tell me he was going out of town for 10 days and have a good week. Well I'm sure that would work for a normal girl, but not for me. I need more than that and so before I "invest" too much. I sent him a cheesy email and there you go...

My friend did give me something to look forward to. She is marrying her military guy and moving to Hawaii. Her Grandma is moving to England and they were wondering if I would like to live in their house for only $500.00 a month. First question is that do they know I have a dog and the answer is yes! I'm NOT STUPID and I said YES, YES, AND YES!

Monday, August 11, 2008

Washington Country Fair

Our Fair is a bit lame, but than what can I do... I did get to do a music video with my friend LJ:

It makes me smile. I like goofy things like that. Little things can entertain me.

Friday, August 8, 2008


I've been a bit on the depressed side this week and in a terrible funk. Which I couldn't seem to shake. A friend called me out of the blue yesterday and after talking found out that she was going to the fair to enter a singing contest. She asked me to go and although my first inclination was to decline I decided to go with instead. I might be biased, but she rocked and made it to the finals for tonight. It was fun to cheer her on and we went through the booths at the fair. She cracks me up by entering every contest and giving them her information. I'm one of those people who refused to give my info, because I hate getting the sales calls. You know that is the only reason they do those "giveaways", but she entered them ALL. Funny girl... Afterwards we went to the Elks and met up with some more friends. As much as I don't miss working at Legacy. I do miss the social aspect of that place and I miss the people I developed a friendship with. The job was mindnumbingly dull, but the people always made me laugh or smile. We also planned a bachorette party for a mutual friend. Who is getting married and even though the story is bazarre I so wish her well in it. Fingers crossed!

Monday, August 4, 2008

Tit for Tat

I think it is funny (strange) how life is on the whole. When you ditch one person you are likely going to be ditched by someone else. So of course you know that I ditched my Thursday night date and in the karmic plane of life I got ditched on Friday night. He didn't call to confirm and so I was so ok with that. He did contact me over the weekend to reschedule. Which makes me laugh, because I so didn't care one way or another. In my younger years I would have obsessed and drove him and me crazy. Like I did once. I kept calling and calling and leaving messages. Like he didn't get that he blew me off. I still cringe inside when I think of it. I did go on my date on Saturday night. Which was almost rescheduled, because he was stuck at the San Francisco airport. Good thing I had made the dinner reservations for 8 pm pacific time. I really was willing to cancel and try again, but he really wanted to meet me. So we had a nice dinner and talks. He might be worth a second date! Which is huge for me! I usually loose interest after the first hour. There is a big uh oh though. He doesn't seem interested in having a child and that might be something to think about. I can live with the fact he travels a lot for work. Which is fine with me, because he is attentive and I can tell he will want to spoil me. We all know that spoiling is essential for me to be happy. Not overly, but a little helps. He does seem the jealous type though. Which means I have to reel in my natural tendency to flirt. TTFN.

Friday, August 1, 2008

I'm avoiding...

I was suppose to go on a date last night, but I didn't. Instead I went swimming with a 3 year old boy. I seem to like hanging out with children than adults most of the time. They have such a great perspective on life and it seems so simple. Guys are such a pain. Either they are too much or not enough. They either annoy me or hurt me. So what is a girl going to do? Especially when we don't know what we want. We ditch our dates...

Thursday, July 31, 2008

Am I losing my mind?

I joined about 2 weeks ago again. The first date was a nightmare! It happened on the 18th and I went and saw Batman. The movie was awesome, my date wasn't... In the first 15 minutes for appetizers he insulted me racially TWICE and doesn't understand why I don't want to ever see him again. I skipped out on going to dinner with him. Lesson #1 learned and I'm so grateful. Always bring your own vehicle to the 1st date so you are not trapped. I've used the excuse of being tired before, but that isn't always going to work. I once used my dog Satin as an excuse which is so laughable since she isn't so important to me when I'm having fun. I'm a horrible doggy mommy. Back to dating. I think I have 3 dates this weekend. Tonight, Friday night, and Saturday. All with different guys and different ages 25, 29, & 50. We will see... I hate dating, but if I'm going to do it I should make the most of my time. LOL.